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Let us crunch your numbers and help shrink your footprint.

  • Secure, Fast & Accurate
  • Carbon Footprint Report
  • GHG & ESG Reports

Verdafero InSights Software

is a patented cloud-based platform that securely monitors, analyzes, and reports all utilities and environmental metrics within a commercial building or property portfolio. Large and small companies alike rely on Verdafero software to detect utility leaks, plan upgrades, and increase operating profits.

Verdafero ESG InSights

continuously monitors environmental performance metrics for your immediate analysis and reporting needs. Highlight your company’s ESG achievements with our customized Scope 1 and 2 Reports.

Verdafero Utility InSights

detects utility leaks and theft while locating potential efficiency upgrades. Save money and increase operating profits while complying with local, regional, and federal efficiency mandates.

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Verdafero is a sustainability consulting and dynamic data analytics company providing intelligence and insights through their experience and patented technology to help companies manage their utility usage, costs and ESG reporting with a cohesive enterprise-wide approach.

Phone: +1 650 206 2441

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ESG & Sustainability Reporting

Verdafero InSights™ offers a wide range of features and functionality to power sustainability analysis and reporting across your entire real estate portfolio. At Verdafero, we’re continuously adding new features to develop a scalable platform to enable you to produce your ESG strategy and reporting needs.

Utility Analytics

Track and audit any utility and any meter type. Verdafero InSights™ analyzes individual IoT sensors / meters to build a detailed utility model of the facility to provide different hierarchical views at the IoT sensor, utility meter / sub-meter, account, building or portfolio level to provide actionable insights to reduce risk and make better informed decisions. The combination of analysis, dashboards and reports provide a clear and detailed outline of cost and consumption.

Building Optimization

Using patented analysis to capture, analyzes, report and predict variable, broad-based utility expense information found from many data sources Verdafero InSights™ delivers the unique ability to perform a comprehensive real-time analysis and discovery exercise to increase the level of security for commercial properties.

Utility Management

Effective utility management is key to any operations, whether it be efficient buildings, production efficiency or within your supply chain. The tracking, monitoring, analysis and reporting of these vital resources is critical to any business in today’s fast moving economy.