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Utility Reporting Software for Municipalities

As more and more towns, cities and states lead the way to GHG reductions they are looking inward to take care of their own buildings as well as their citizens. Verdafero can help track, analyze and report your multiple buildings / utilities and fleets through Verdafero InSights and offer industry expertise and professional consulting services

Climate Action Plans

As environmental reporting requirements increase in the private sector so does environmental reporting requirements within the public sector. Verdafero works with municipalities to assist them as part of any climate action plan reporting requirements or ESG / GHG reports.

Data Management

With municipalities covering large areas with multiple facilities and sometimes having several hundred utility meters Verdafero InSights helps with data processing and management, so the accounts department doesn’t have to.

Meet local / national reporting mandates

Some municipalities have their own efficiency reporting requirements as well as local state or national reporting mandates. Verdafero InSights helps meet city / county / national building efficiency reporting mandates.

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