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How can Verdafero’s SaaS Technology Optimize your ESG Reporting?

The best ESG reports are those that are up-to-date and providing real-time data about a business’s environmental impact. This allows leaders and investors to make strategic decisions based on the data. However, most companies don’t have that data easily accessible, or in a format that is easy to compare month-to-month to chart ESG successes or failures. Compiling this data without a system in place, or having software to compile it for you, is a gigantic task that can be rife with errors if left unchecked. That’s where Verdafero InSights™ software can help, simplifying the entire process with its automated data collection and providing real-time insights across all of your utilities.

Verdafero InSights ESG Reporting Technology

All businesses use a wide range of utilities: electricity, natural gas, water, waste, and fuel, among others. Mapping your business’s usage of each utility and creating reports around it can be a tedious process each month when you need to identify different utility platform logins, navigate each platforms’ framework, and figure out where to go to compile the data you need. Verdafero InSights™ ESG Reporting Tool can automatically capture the data for you, process the information you need, and send the data to the appropriate frameworks to completely transform your data processing procedures.

Having visual representations of your utility usage across all platforms gives you an efficient way to recognize trends that can save your business money or identify areas you need to improve. Since Verdafero InSights™ is an automated process, it’s easier to quickly see your ESG performance goals and understand where you are or are not compliant.

Want to learn more about how Verdafero InSights™ can help you optimize your ESG Reporting?

Fill out the form below to schedule a demo!

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